Example 5: Special functions
Let’s construct a dataset which contains special functions \(f(x,y)={\rm exp}(J_0(20x)+y^2)\), where \(J_0(x)\) is the Bessel function.
from kan import *
device = torch.device('cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu')
# create a KAN: 2D inputs, 1D output, and 5 hidden neurons. cubic spline (k=3), 5 grid intervals (grid=5).
model = KAN(width=[2,1,1], grid=3, k=3, seed=2, device=device)
f = lambda x: torch.exp(torch.special.bessel_j0(20*x[:,[0]]) + x[:,[1]]**2)
dataset = create_dataset(f, n_var=2, device=device)
# train the model
model.fit(dataset, opt="LBFGS", steps=20);
checkpoint directory created: ./model
saving model version 0.0
| train_loss: 5.15e-01 | test_loss: 5.86e-01 | reg: 5.84e+00 | : 100%|█| 20/20 [00:03<00:00, 5.89it
saving model version 0.1
Plot trained KAN, the bessel function shows up in the bettom left

model = model.refine(20)
model.fit(dataset, opt="LBFGS", steps=20);
saving model version 0.2
| train_loss: 1.54e-02 | test_loss: 4.73e-02 | reg: 7.50e+00 | : 100%|█| 20/20 [00:02<00:00, 6.93it
saving model version 0.3

suggest_symbolic does not return anything that matches with it, since Bessel function isn’t included in the default SYMBOLIC_LIB. We want to add Bessel to it.
function fitting r2 r2 loss complexity complexity loss total loss
0 0 0.000000 0.000014 0 0 0.000003
1 x 0.001602 -0.002298 1 1 0.799540
2 sin 0.161428 -0.253977 2 2 1.549205
3 cos 0.161428 -0.253977 2 2 1.549205
4 1/x^2 0.099456 -0.151116 2 2 1.569777
(<function kan.utils.<lambda>(x)>,
<function kan.utils.<lambda>(x)>,
<function kan.utils.<lambda>(x, y_th)>),
dict_keys(['x', 'x^2', 'x^3', 'x^4', 'x^5', '1/x', '1/x^2', '1/x^3', '1/x^4', '1/x^5', 'sqrt', 'x^0.5', 'x^1.5', '1/sqrt(x)', '1/x^0.5', 'exp', 'log', 'abs', 'sin', 'cos', 'tan', 'tanh', 'sgn', 'arcsin', 'arccos', 'arctan', 'arctanh', '0', 'gaussian'])
add bessel function J0 to the symbolic library. we should include a name and a pytorch implementation. c is the complexity assigned to J0.
add_symbolic('J0', torch.special.bessel_j0, c=1)
After adding Bessel, we check suggest_symbolic again
# J0 fitting is not very good
function fitting r2 r2 loss complexity complexity loss total loss
0 0 0.000000 0.000014 0 0 0.000003
1 J0 0.198505 -0.319216 1 1 0.736157
2 x 0.001602 -0.002298 1 1 0.799540
3 sin 0.161428 -0.253977 2 2 1.549205
4 cos 0.161428 -0.253977 2 2 1.549205
(<function kan.utils.<lambda>(x)>,
<function kan.utils.<lambda>(x)>,
<function kan.utils.<lambda>(x, y_th)>),
The fitting r2 is still not high, this is because the ground truth is J0(20x) which involves 20 which is too large. our default search is in (-10,10). so we need to set the search range bigger in order to include 20. now J0 appears at the top of the list
function fitting r2 r2 loss complexity complexity loss total loss
0 J0 0.998912 -9.830484 1 1 -1.166097
1 0 0.000000 0.000014 0 0 0.000003
2 x 0.001602 -0.002298 1 1 0.799540
3 cos 0.583964 -1.265186 2 2 1.346963
4 sin 0.583964 -1.265186 2 2 1.346963
(<function torch._C._special.special_bessel_j0>,
<function torch._C._special.special_bessel_j0>),